№ 14041
Engrossing aviation    [ 2 ]

Whom among the passengers of the plane didn't want to go in to the cockpit? Everyone definitely had this opportunity in the Moscow Global Forum «City for education»! Visitors were able to make their dream come true thanks to special simulator which trains real pilots!

Thisamazing forum had many various and breathtaking exhibits but this simulator wasone of the most impressive installations. This exposition was the competence in piloting in an internationalorganization which is called «WorldSkills International». There were instructors who showed how everythingworked inside the cockpit. Moreover everyone could take the place of the pilot. Coaches taught how to take off and land and gave more information about thepiloting aircraft. As a journalist I had the opportunity to be inside and tolearn plenty of enthralling details about aviation. Here I will present some ofthem.

Headlightsare one of the most important parts of the plane. Why? Headlights scare birdswhich are really dangerous during landing because they might get stuck in theengine.

And have you ever heard about aviationalphabet? Well, it does exist. Actually,letters in this alphabet are the same as in the English alphabet but they havedifferent names. A-alpha, B- bravo, C–Charlie, D-delta, E-echo and so on. Itwas made in order not to confuse pilots from different counties because oftheir pronunciation.

So, nowanswer this simple question. How many wings does the plane have? I bet youranswer is two but this is wrong! The correct answer is one. The plane has onlyone wing.

I couldn’timagine that aviation is such a fascinating sphere. I hope you have had a great time reading thisarticle and learn new information!

P.S. I wantto express my gratitude for the help in writing this article to the pilot-instructorof children's club Aviator- Dmitry Litvinenko

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Екатерина Крамышева, #3748 #ХЭШТЕГ1366, школа № 1366, Москва / фото: Алина Есаулова

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Помощник (Оргкомитет)15:54 18.09.2018 | № 110737
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Наталья Крымкина, рук. #3187 Медиацентр «School Time»; Школа 2, Сергиев Посад, Московская обл.20:13 14.09.2018 | № 110723
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