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№ 16122
The world votes for education «face to face»    [ 1 ]

The second day of the OECD E2030 virtual workshop «Overcoming the difficulties in delivering curriculum during school closures and the gradual transition back to school» brought together over three hundred participants. 2 days, 4 hours of communication a day, news, discussion of global learning issues, jokes… What was encouraging: our unanimity that education «face to face» can not be replaced by any modern technology

OECD online workshop is the first one for OECD project «Future of Education and Skills 2030». The unique experience for all of the participants included panel discussions on both days featuring speeches by Mr Andreas Schleicher, Director, Directorate for Education and Skills, OECD, Ms Suzanne Dillon, Chair of the Informal Working Group of E2030 Project and Mr Joao Costa, Portugal Secretary of State for Education, and detailed discussion in small groups. Prior to the workshop all the participants were divided into two parts (depending on the time zone) and for hands-on discussion 150 people of each group were put together into small teams of 10–12 members to make the process more productive.

Who joked everyone: Guy Levi from the Center for Educational Technology, Israel, asked: «Can you see me?» Everybody, of course, answered «yes!''. Then he drove into the camera on his chair, and everyone realized that before it was only a video of him sitting in front of the computer that he recorded a long time ago. This confirmed Joao's words that the picture on the screen does not always reflect the real activities of the person. Everyone laughed and immediately felt at ease, an informal atmosphere was created.

When it got tense: Joao Costa, Portugal Secretary of State for Education, bought our little tricks, which are often used by students in distance lessons on the ZOOM platform, citing our conference as an example: «I am not sure that all 100 participants are fully immersed in the process at the moment. I can see your names and pictures on the screen, that is what the participant wants others to see, but I don't feel the feedback that would be if we all met in person». I had to change my profile picture and using my «face» to get involved in the process.
Who fooled everyone: Guy Levi from the Center for Educational Technology, Israel, asked: «Can you see me?» Everybody, of course, answered «yes!''. Then he drove into the camera on his chair, and everyone realized that before it was only a video of him sitting in front of the computer that he recorded a long time ago. This confirmed Joao's words that the picture on the screen does not always reflect the real activities of the person. Everyone laughed and immediately felt at ease, an informal atmosphere was created.

Which was not surprising: Annie Bergh, moderator of our working group on quality of education, told us that she received a lot of letters from students asking that teachers should not only teach children but also listen to their opinion. The problem is global! Pauline Mangulabnan from Japan confirmed the importance of students' opinions by saying that in today's reality teachers are learning from their students themselves.

Who was memorable: Keisha Siriboe from the United States, who is a lawyer and advocate for parental and child literacy. The way she supported each speaker with kind words did not leave me indifferent.

At the end of the work, Andreas Schleicher praised each participant personally:

— This is just the beginning, there is still so much to come.

See you later everyone!

Briefly about the project.

The Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) project «The Future of Education and Skills: Education 2030» aims to investigate and forecast the possible future of education in the world. It focuses on children who are currently in primary school and will represent the majority of the population entering the working-age by 2030.

The objectives of the Education 2030 project are to develop a conceptual framework for education and analyse the main educational programmes of different countries. What's more, the secretariat plans to design a learning environment that can support the development of students' competences in the best way. This concept is reflected in the «Education Compass 2030».

>> The Future of Education and Skills 2030 aims to help education systems determine the knowledge, skills, attitudes and values students need to thrive in and shape their future. Подробнее


Игорь Мамынов, 10 кл., детское новостное агентство НАШпресс, Москва / фото: автора

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Даниил Ландау #3528 Пресс-центр «МедиаМагнат»; Дворец творчества детей и молодежи на Миусах, Москва16:46 29.05.2020 | № 122413
Комментарий к новости 16122
Комментарий к новости The world votes for education «face to face»
А почему на английском?
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Александр Ковко, рук. #1115 Газета «Перемен-КА»; Молодежный клуб «Меридиан», Лунинец, Беларусь23:03 26.06.2020 | № 122451
Re: Комментарий к новости 16122
Даниил, во-первых потому, что форум международный и ребята из пресс-центра работали на английском языке. А во-вторых потому, что новость на русском языке была опубликована немного раньше)))
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Ссылка на новость: https://lyceum.ru/n/16122   Ссылка на новость в ленте: http://lgo.ru/news/index.htm?ntype=14&id=16122
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